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Meera Ramaswamy, Itay Griniasty, James P. Sethna, Bulbul Chakraborty, and Itai Cohen

Physical Review Letters 134, no. 5 (February 7, 2025). 


Conrad L. Smart, Tanner G. Pearson, Zexi Liang, Melody X. Lim, Mohamed I. Abdelrahman, Francesco Monticone, Itai Cohen, and Paul L. McEuen

Science 386, no. 6725 (November 29, 2024): 1031–37. 

Milad Taghavi, Wei Wang, Kyubum Shim, Jinsong Zhang, Itai Cohen, and Alyssa Apsel

Science Robotics 9, no. 96 (November 27, 2024). 

Prateek Sehgal, Meera Ramaswamy, Edward Y. Ong, Christopher Ness, Itai Cohen, and Brian J. Kirby.

Physical Review Research 6, no. 4 (November 5, 2024). 

Qingkun Liu, Wei Wang, Himani Sinhmar, Itay Griniasty, Jason Z. Kim, Jacob T. Pelster, Paragkumar Chaudhari, Michael F. Reynolds, Michael C. Cao, David A. Muller, Alyssa B. Apsel, Nicholas L. Abbott, Hadas Kress-Gazit, Paul L. McEuen, and Itai Cohen

Nature Materials, September 11, 2024. 

Yuchao Chen, Yunus A. Kinkhabwala, Boris Barron, Matthew Hall, Tomás A. Arias, and Itai Cohen

Journal of Computational Social Science, August 28, 2024. 

Wei Wang, Ivan Tanasijevic, Jinsong Zhang, Eric Lauga, and Itai Cohen

Lab on a Chip, August 22, 2024. 

Tejapratap Bollu, Samuel C. Whitehead, Nikil Prasad, Jackson Walker, Nitin Shyamkumar, Raghav Subramaniam, Brian Kardon, Itai Cohen, and Jesse H. Goldberg

Journal of Neurophysiology 132, no. 3 (July 31, 2024): 829–48. 

Jingyang Zheng, Han Kheng Teoh, Michelle L. Delco, Lawrence J. Bonassar, and Itai Cohen

PLOS ONE 19, no. 5 (May 20, 2024). 

Edward Y. X. Ong, Anna R. Barth, Navneet Singh, Meera Ramaswamy, Abhishek Shetty, Bulbul Chakraborty, James P. Sethna, and Itai Cohen

“Jamming Memory into Acoustically Trained Dense Suspensions under Shear.” Physical Review X 14, no. 2 (May 14, 2024). 


Zhilei Zhao, Han Kheng Teoh, Julie Carpenter, Frieda Nemon, Brian Kardon, Itai Cohen, and Jesse H. Goldberg

Current Biology 33, no. 24 (December 18, 2023). 

Jean-Louis Barrat, Emanuela Del Gado, Stefan U Egelhaaf, Xiaoming Mao, Marjolein Dijkstra, David J Pine, Sanat K Kumar, Kyle Bishop, Oleg Gang, Allie Obermeyer, Christine M Papadakis, Constantinos Tsitsilianis, Ivan I Smalyukh, Aurelie Hourlier-Fargette, Sebastien Andrieux, Wiebke Drenckhan, Norman Wagner, Ryan P Murphy, Eric R Weeks, Roberto Cerbino, Yilong Han, Luca Cipelletti, Laurence Ramos, Wilson C K Poon, James A Richards, Itai Cohen, Eric M Furst, Alshakim Nelson, Stephen L Craig, Rajesh Ganapathy, Ajay Kumar Sood, Francesco Sciortino, Muhittin Mungan, Srikanth Sastry, Colin Scheibner, Michel Fruchart, Vincenzo Vitelli, S A Ridout, M Stern, I Tah, G Zhang, Andrea J Liu, Chinedum O Osuji, Yuan Xu, Heather M Shewan, Jason R Stokes, Matthias Merkel, Pierre Ronceray, Jean-François Rupprecht, Olga Matsarskaia, Frank Schreiber, Felix Roosen-Runge, Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam, Gijsje H Koenderink, Rosa M Espinosa-Marzal, Joaquin Yus and Jiheon Kwon

Journal of Physics: Materials 7, no. 1 (December 12, 2023): 012501. 

Byumsu Kim, Terri-Ann N. Kelly, Hyung Jin Jung, Olivia S. Beane, Sarindr Bhumiratana, Nikolaos Bouklas, Itai Cohen, and Lawrence J. Bonassar

“Microscale Strain Concentrations in Tissue-Engineered Osteochondral Implants Are Dictated by Local Compositional Thresholds and Architecture.” Journal of Biomechanics, November 24, 2023, 111882. 

Meera Ramaswamy, Itay Griniasty, Danilo B. Liarte, Abhishek Shetty, Eleni Katifori, Emanuela Del Gado, James P. Sethna, Bulbul Chakraborty, and Itai Cohen.

“Universal Scaling of Shear Thickening Transitions.” Journal of Rheology 67, no. 6 (2023): 1189–97. 

Dong Hwan Yoon, Santiago Peralta, Nadine Fiani, Gwendolyne Reeve, Itai Cohen, and Larry Bonassar

“Relationship between Microscale Shear Modulus, Composition, and Structure in Porcine, Canine, and Human Temporomandibular-Joint Cartilage: Relevance to Disease and Degeneration.” European Cells and Materials 46 (2023): 40–56. 

Teaya Yang, David Hathcock, Yuchao Chen, Paul L. McEuen, James P. Sethna, Itai Cohen, and Itay Griniasty

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 34 (August 14, 2023): e2300081120. 

Byumsu Kim, Nikolaos Bouklas, Itai Cohen, and Lawrence J. Bonassar

Journal of Biomechanics 152 (May 2023): 111591. 

Bao, Nanqi, Qingkun Liu, Michael Reynolds, Marc Figueras, Evangelos Smith, Wei Wang, Michael C. Cao, David A. Muller, Manos Mavrikakis, Itai Cohen, Paul L. McEuen, and Nicholas L. Abbot

 “Gas-Phase Microactuation Using Kinetically Controlled Surface States of Ultrathin Catalytic Sheets.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120, no. 19 (May 1, 2023).

Soumita Maiti, Sangchul Roh, Itai Cohen, and Nicholas L. Abbott

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 637 (2023): 134–46.

Tayler S. Hebner, Riley G.A. Bowman, Daniel Duffy, Cyrus Mostajeran, Itay Griniasty, Itai Cohen, Mark Warner, Christopher N. Bowman, and Timothy J. White

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, no. 8 (2023): 11092–98.

Nuno A. Araújo, Liesbeth Janssen, Thomas Barois, Guido Boffetta, Itai Cohen, Alessandro Corbetta, Olivier Dauchot, et al.

Soft Matter 19, no. 9 (2023): 1695–1704.


Samuel C. Whitehead, Sofia Leone, Theodore Lindsay, Matthew R. Meiselman, Noah J. Cowan, Michael H. Dickinson, Nilay Yapici, David L. Stern, Troy Shirangi, and Itai Cohen

Science Advances 8, no. 50 (2022).

Jingyang Zheng,Thomas Wyse Jackson, Lisa A. Fortier, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Michelle L. Delco, and Itai Cohen

PLOS ONE 17, no. 12 (2022).

Jonathan Michel, Gabriel von Kessel, Thomas Wyse Jackson, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Itai Cohen, and Moumita Das

Physical Review Research 4, no. 4 (2022). 

Danilo B. Liarte, Stephen J. Thornton, Eric Schwen, Itai Cohen, Debanjan Chowdhury, and James P. Sethna

Physical Review E 106, no. 5 (2022).

Chrisy Xiyu Du, Hanyu Alice Zhang, Tanner G. Pearson, Jakin Ng, Paul L. McEuen, Itai Cohen, and Michael P. Brenner

Soft Matter 18 (2022): 6404-6410.

Michael F. Reynolds, Alejandro J. Cortese, Qingkun Liu, Zhangqi Zheng, Wei Wang, Samantha L. Norris, Sunwoo Lee, Mark Z. Miskin, Alyosha C. Molnar, Itai Cohen, and Paul L. McEuen

Science Robotics 7, no. 70 (2022).

Byumsu Kim, Jill M. Middendorf, Nicole Diamantides, Caroline Dugopolski, Stephen Kennedy, Eric Blahut, Itai Cohen, Nikolaos Bouklas, and Lawrence J. Bonassar.

Experimental Mechanics 62, no. 7 (2022): 1067–77.

Wei Wang, Qingkun Liu, Ivan Tanasijevic, Michael F. Reynolds, Alejandro J. Cortese, Marc Z. Miskin, Michael C. Cao, David A. Muller, Alyosha C. Molnar, Eric Lauga, Paul L. McEuen and Itai Cohen

Nature 605, no. 7911 (2022): 681–86.

Thomas Wyse Jackson, Jonathan Michel, Pancy Lwin, Lisa A. Fortier, Moumita Das, Lawrence J. Bonassar, and Itai Cohen

Science Advances 8, no. 6 (2022). 

B. P. Prajwal, Jen-Yu Huang, Meera Ramaswamy, Abraham D. Stroock, Tobias Hanrath, Itai Cohen, Fernando A. Escobedo

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 607, no. 2 (February 2022): 1478–90. 

Pancy Lwin, Andrew Sindermann, Leo Sutter, Thomas Wyse Jackson, Lawrence Bonassar, Itai Cohen and Moumita Das

Soft Matter 18 (2022): 322 - 327.


Steven Ayala, Michelle L. Delco, Lisa A. Fortier, Itai Cohen, and Lawrence J. Bonassar

Journal of Orthopaedic Research 39, no. 10 (2021). 

Itay Griniasty, Cyrus Mostajeran, and Itai Cohen

Physical Review Letters 127, no. 12 (2021).

Jill M.Middendorf, Nicole Diamantides, Byumsu Kim, Caroline Dugopolski, Stephen Kennedy, Eric Blahut, Itai Cohen, and Lawrence J. Bonassar

Acta Biomaterialia 131 (2021).

Qingkun Liu, Wei Wang, Michael F. Reynolds, Michael C. Cao, Marc Z. Miskin, Tomas A. Arias, David A. Muller, Paul L. McEuen, Itai Cohen

Science Robotics 6 no. 52 (2021).

Rebecca M. Irwin, Tianyu Gao, Alexander J. Boys, Kyla Ortved, Itai Cohen, and Lawrence J. Bonassar

Journal of Biomechanics 114 (2021): 110159.


Safa Jamali, Emanuela Del Gado, and Jeffrey F. Morris

Journal of Rheology 64, 1501 (2020)

Marc Z. Miskin, Alejandro J. Cortese, Kyle Dorsey, Edward P. Esposito, Michael F. Reynolds, Qingkun Liu, Michael Cao, David A. Muller, Paul L. McEuen & Itai Cohen

Nature 584, no. 7822 (2020): 557-61.

Baris Bircan, Marc Z. Miskin, Robert J. Lang, Michael C. Cao, Kyle J. Dorsey, Muhammad G. Salim, Wei Wang, David A. Muller, Paul L. McEuen, and Itai Cohen

Nano Letters 20, no. 7 (2020): 4850-4856.

Ran Niu, Meera Ramaswamy, Christopher Ness, Abhishek Shetty, and Itai Cohen.

Science Advances 16, no. 9 (2020)

Science News Article

Itai Cohen and Melanie Dreyer-Lude

Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

Eric M. Schwen, Meera Ramaswamy, Chieh-Min Cheng, Linda Jan, and Itai Cohen

Soft Matter 16 (2020): 3746-3752.

Jill M. Middendorf, Caroline Dugopolski, Stephen Kennedy, Eric Blahut, Itai Cohen, and Lawrence J. Bonassar

Journal of Biomechanics 105 (2020): 109760.

Edward Y. X. Ong, Meera Ramaswamy, Ran Niu, Neil Y. C. Lin, Abhishek Shetty, Roseanna N. Zia, Gareth H. McKinley, and Itai Cohen

Journal of Rheology 64, no. 2 (2020): 343-51.

Rebecca M Irwin, Elizabeth Feeney, Cynthia Secchieri, Devis Galesso, Itai Cohen, Francesca Oliviero, Roberta Ramonda, and Lawrence J Bonassar

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 28, no. 4 (2020): 492–501.


Lena R. Bartell, Lisa A. Fortier, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Hazel H. Szeto, Itai Cohen, and Michelle L. Delco

Journal of Orthopaedic Research 38, no. 6 (2019): 1257-1267.

Cornell Chronicle: Collaboration reveals potential new therapy for osteoarthritis

Ran Niu, Chrisy Xiyu Du, Edward Esposito, Jakin Ng, Michael P. Brenner, Paul L. McEuen, and Itai Cohen

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 no. 49 (2019): 24402-24407.

Rebecca M. Irwin, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Itai Cohen, Andrea M. Matuska, Jacqueline Commins, Brian Cole, and Lisa A. Fortier

Plos One 14, no. 11 (2019).

Itai Cohen

Physical Review Fluids 4, no. 11 (2019).

Itai Cohen, Samuel C. Whitehead & Tsevi Beatus

Nature Reviews Physics 1, no. 11 (2019): 638-39.

Prateek Sehgal, Meera Ramaswamy, Itai Cohen, and Brian J. Kirby

Physical Review Letters 123, no. 12 (2019):128001.

Michael F. Reynolds, Kathryn L. McGill, Maritha A. Wang, Hui Gao, Fauzia Mujid, Kibum Kang, Jiwoong Park, Marc Z. Miskin, Itai Cohen, and Paul L. McEuen

Nano Letters 19, no. 9 (2019): 6221–26.

Alexander Boys, Jennie AMR Kunitake, Corinne Henak, Itai Cohen, Lara A. Estroff, and Lawrence J. Bonassar

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 no. 30 (2019): 26559-6570.


Kyle J. Dorsey, Tanner G. Pearson, Edward Esposito, Sierra Russell, Baris Bircan, Yimo Han, Marc Z. Miskin, David A. Muller, Itai Cohen, and Paul L. McEuen

Advanced Materials 31 no. 29 (2019).

Edward D. Lee, Edward Esposito, and Itai Cohen

Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 no. 154 (2019).

Tejapratap Bollu, Samuel C. Whitehead, Nikil Prasad, Jackson Walker, Nitin Shyamkumar, Raghav Subramaniam, Brian Kardon, Itai Cohen, and Jesse Heymann Goldberg

Journal of Neurophysiology 121 no. 2 (2019).

Michael Moshe, Edward Esposito, Suraj Shankar, Baris Bircan, Itai Cohen, David R. Nelson, and Mark J. Bowick

Physical Review Letters 122 (2019).

Michael Moshe, Edward Esposito, Suraj Shankar, Baris Bircan, Itai Cohen, David R. Nelson, and Mark J. Bowick

Physical Review E 99 no. 1 (2019)


Steven Ceron, Itai Cohen, Robert F. Shepherd, James H. Pikul, and Cindy Harnett

Biomimetics 3 no. 3 (2018): 24.

J. Felipe Méndez-Valderrama, Yunus A. Kinkhabwala, Jeffrey Silver, Itai Cohen & T.A. Arias

Nature Communications 9 (2018): 3538.

Cornell Chronicle:

Bin Liu, Jesse L. Silverberg, Arthur A. Evans, Christian D. Santangelo, Robert J. Lang, Thomas C. Hull & Itai Cohen

Nature Physics 14, 811–815 (2018).

Edward D. Bonnevie, Michelle L. Delco, Lena R. Bartell, Naveen Jasty, Itai Cohen, Lisa A. Fortier, Lawrence J. Bonassar

Journal of biomechanics 74 (2018): 72-78.

Hannah L. Holmes, Brooke Wilson, Julian P. Goerger, Jesse L. Silverberg, Itai Cohen, Warren R. Zipfel, Lisa A. Fortier

PLOS ONE 13 no. 3 (2018): e0194567.

Leahy, Brian, Neil Lin, and Itai Cohen

Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 34 (2018): 32-46.

Brian D. Leahy, Matthew Bierbaum, James Sethna, Itai Cohen

ArXiv 1801.03581 (2018).

Marc Z. Miskin, Kyle J. Dorsey, Baris Bircan, Yimo Han, David A. Muller, Paul L. McEuen, and Itai Cohen

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 3 (2018): 466-470.


Marc Z. Miskin , Chao Sun, Itai Cohen, William R. Dichtel , and Paul L. McEuen

Nano letters 18, no. 1 (2017): 449-454

L. R. Bartell, N. Y. C. Lin, J. L. Lyon, M. L. Sorensen, D. A. Clark, M. J. Lockhart, J. R. Matthews, G. S. Glaesemann, M. E. DeRosa, and I. Cohen

MRS Communications 7, no. 4 (2017): 896-903.

Matthew Bierbaum, Brian D. Leahy, Alexander A. Alemi, Itai Cohen, and James P. Sethna

Physical Review X 7, no. 4 (2017): 041007.

Physics Focus: Modeling Imperfections Boosts Microscope Precision

Meera Ramaswamy, Neil Y. C. Lin, Brian D. Leahy, Christopher Ness, Andrew M. Fiore, James W. Swan, and Itai Cohen

Physical Review X 7, no. 4 (2017): 041005.

Neil Y. C. Lin, Matthew Bierbaum, and Itai Cohen

Physical review letters 119, no. 13 (2017): 138001.

Google Scholar
Jill M. Middendorf, Sonya Shortkroff, Caroline Dugopolski, Stephen Kennedy, Joseph Siemiatkoski, Lena R. Bartell, Itai Cohen, Lawrence J. Bonassar

Journal of biomechanics 64 (2017): 77-84.

Google Scholar
Brian D. Leahy, Donald L. Koch, and Itai Cohen

Journal of Rheology 61, no. 5 (2017): 979-996.

Google Scholar
Jill M. Middendorf, Darvin J. Griffin, Sonya Shortkroff, Caroline Dugopolski, Stephen Kennedy, Joseph Siemiatkoski, Itai Cohen, Lawrence J. Bonassar

Journal of Orthopaedic Research 35, no. 10 (2017): 2298-2306.

Google Scholar
Corinne R. Henak, Lena R. Bartell, Itai Cohen and Lawrence J. Bonassar

Journal of biomechanical engineering 139, no. 3 (2017): 031004.

Google Scholar


Paul S. Shamble, Gil Menda, James R. Golden, Eyal I. Nitzany, Katherine Walden, Tsevi Beatus, Damian O. Elias, Itai Cohen, Ronald N. Miles, Ronald R. Hoy

Current Biology 26 no. 21 (2016).

Google Scholar
Corinne R Henak, Keir A Ross, Edward D Bonnevie, Lisa A Fortier, Itai Cohen, John G Kennedy, Lawrence J Bonassar


Google Scholar
Neil Y.C. Lin, Christopher Ness, Michael E. Cates, Jin Sun, and Itai Cohen

PNAS 113, 10774 (2016). (Arxiv link)
Cornell Chronicle: Tame your Oobleck: Researchers able to control thickening

Bryan Gin-ge Chen, Bin Liu, Arthur A. Evans, Jayson Paulose, Itai Cohen, Vincenzo Vitelli, and C. D. Santangelo

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 116(13), 135501 (Mar 2016)

Google Scholar


Danilo B. Liarte, Matthew Bierbaum, Muxin Zhang, Brian D. Leahy, Itai Cohen, and James P. Sethna

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 92(6), 062511 (Dec 2015)

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Neil Y. C. Lin, Ben M. Guy, Michiel Hermes, Chris Ness, Jin Sun, Wilson C. K. Poon, and Itai Cohen

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (115) 228304 (Nov 2015)
PRL Synaposis: Down to Friction
Cornell Chronicle: The secret of Oobleck revealed at last
Popular Science

Edward D. Bonnevie, Devis Galesso, Cynthia Secchieri, Itai Cohen, Lawrence J. Bonassar

PLOS ONE, 10(11), e0143415 (Nov 2015)

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Samuel C. Whitehead, Tsevi Beatus, Luca Canale, Itai Cohen

JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY, 218(21), 3508-3519 (Nov. 2015)

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Tzer Han Tan, Jesse L. Silverberg, Daniela S. Floss, Maria J. Harrison, Christopher L. Henley, and Itai Cohen

PNAS, 112(42), 12938-12943 (Oct. 2015)

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Nakul Prabhakar Bende, Arthur A. Evans, Sarah Innes-Gold, Luis A. Marin, Itai Cohen, Ryan C. Hayward, and Christian D. Santangelo

PNAS,  112(36), 11175-11180 (Sep. 2015)

Google Scholar
Darvin J. Griffin, Edward D. Bonnevie, Devin J. Lachowsky, James C.A. Hart, Holly D. Sparks, Nance Moran, Gloria Matthews, Alan J. Nixon, Itai Cohen, Lawrence J. Bonassar

JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, 48(10), 1944-1949 (Jul 2015)

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Brian D. Leahy, Donald L. Koch, and Itai Cohen

JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS,  772, 42-79 (May 2015)

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Tsevi Beatus, John M. Guckenheimer, and Itai Cohen

JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE12(105) (Feb 2015). Read more in the Chronicle.

Google Scholar
Jesse L. Silverberg, Jun-Hee Na, Arthur A. Evans, Bin Liu, Thomas C. Hull, Christian D. Santangelo, Robert J. Lang, Ryan C. Hayward & Itai Cohen

NATURE MATERIALS 14(4), 389-393. (Mar 2015). Read more in the Chronicle.

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Darvin J. Griffin, Josh Vicari, Mark R. Buckley, Jesse L. Silverberg, Itai Cohen, Lawrence J. Bonassar


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Jesse L. Silverberg, Aliyah R. Barrett, Moumita Das, Poul B. Petersen, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Itai Cohen

BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 107(7) 1721-1730 (Oct 2014). doi:10.1016/j.bpj.2014.08.011  PDF

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Jesse L. Silverberg, Arthur A. Evans, Lauren McLeod, Ryan C. Hayward, Thomas Hull, Chris D. Santangelo, and Itai Cohen

Science Vol. 345 no. 6197 pp. 647-650  DOI: 10.1126/science.1252876

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S. Mostafa Sabzevari, Itai Cohen, and Paula M. Wood-Adams

MACROMOLECULES 47 (9), 3154–3160 (Apr 2014). DOI: 10.1021/ma500451g

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Neil Y. C. Lin, Jonathan H. McCoy, Xiang Cheng, Brian Leahy, Jacob N. Israelachvili, and Itai Cohen


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Neil Y. C. Lin, Sushmit Goyal, Xiang Cheng, Roseanna N. Zia, Fernando A. Escobedo, and Itai Cohen

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 88, 062309 (Dec 2013)

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Brian D. Leahy, Xiang Cheng, Desmond C. Ong, Chekesha Liddell-Watson, and Itai Cohen

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 110, 228301 (May 2013)

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Mosh Pit Simulation
Jesse L. Silverberg, Matthew Bierbaum, James P. Sethna, and Itai Cohen

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS (110) 228701 (May 2013)

More info in the Collective Motion in Mosh Pits project page.


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Leif Ristroph, Gunnar Ristroph, Svetlana Morozova, Attila J. Bergou, Song Chang, John Guckenheimer, Z. Jane Wang, and Itai Cohen

J. R. SOC. INTERFACE 10, 20130237 (May 2013)

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Derin Sevenler, Mark R. Buckley, Grace Kim, Marjolein C.H. van der Meulen, Itai Cohen, Lawrence J. Bonassar

JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, 46 1597–1603 (May 2013)

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John R. Savage, Stefan F. Hopp, Rajesh Ganapathy, Sharon J. Gerbode, Andreas Heuer, and Itai Cohen

PNAS 110 (23) 9301-9304 (May 2013)

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Jesse L. Silverberg, Sam Daillavou, Lawrence Bonassar, Itai Cohen


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Mark R. Buckley, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Itai Cohen


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Jesse L. Silverberg, Roslyn D. Noar, Michael S. Packer, Maria J. Harrison, Christopher L. Henley, Itai Cohen, and Sharon J. Gerbode

PNAS 109 (42) 16794-16799 (Sep 2012)

Leif Ristroph, Attila J. Bergou, Gordon J. Berman, John Guckenheimer, Z. Jane Wang, and Itai Cohen


Emily M. Chandler, Bo Ri Seo, Joseph P. Califano, Roberto C. Andresen Eguiluz, Jason S. Lee, Christine J. Yoon, David T. Tims, James X. Wang, Le Cheng, Sunish Mohanan, Mark R. Buckley, Itai Cohen, Alexander Yu Nikitin, Rebecca M. Williams, Delphine Gourdo

PNAS 109, 9786-9791 (Jun 2012)

Tony Chen, Mark Buckley, Itai Cohen, Lawrence Bonassar, Hani A. Awad

BIOMECH MODEL MECHANOBIOL 11, 689-702 (May 2012)

Daniel Porter, John R. Savage, Patrick Spicer, Marco Caggioni and Itai Cohen

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 85, 041701 (Apr 2012)

Xiang Cheng, Xinliang Xu, Stuart Rice, Aaron Dinner, and Itai Cohen

PNAS 109, 63-67 (Jan 2012)


Lara A. Estroff and Itai Cohen

NATURE MATERIALS 10, 810-811 (Nov 2011)

Xiang Cheng, Jonathan H. McCoy, Jacob N. Israelachvili and Itai Cohen

SCIENCE 333, 1276 (Sep 2011)

Leif Ristroph, Attila J. Bergou, John Guckenheimer, Z. Jane Wang, and Itai Cohen

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,106, 178103 (Apr 2011)


A. J. Michalek, M. R. Buckley, L. J. Bonassar, I. Cohen, J. C. Iatridis

THE SPINE JOURNAL 10:1098-105 ( 2010)

Sharon J. Gerbode,Desmond C. Ong, Chekesha M. Liddell, and Itai Cohen

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 82, 041404 (Oct 2010)

S.J. Gerbode, U. Agarwal, D.C. Ong, C.M. Liddell, F. Escobedo, and I. Cohen

PHYS. REV. LETT. 105, 078301 (Aug 2010)

Hayes KA, Buckley MR, Qi HB, Cohen I, Archer LA

MACROMOLECULES, 43, 4412-4417 (May 2010)

Attila J. Bergou, Leif Ristroph, John Guckenheimer, Itai Cohen, and Z. Jane Wang

PHYS. REV. LETT. 104, 148101 (Apr 2010)

Mark R. Buckley, Attila J. Bergou, Jonathan Fouchard, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Itai Cohen

JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS 43(4):796-800 (Mar 2010)

Rajesh Ganapathy, Mark R. Buckley, Sharon J. Gerbode, and Itai Cohen

SCIENCE, 22 , 445-448 (Jan 2010)

Leif Ristroph, Attila J. Bergou, Gunnar Ristroph, Katherine Coumes, Gordon J. Berman, John Guckenheimer, Z. Jane Wang, Itai Cohen

PNAS 107, 4820-4824 ( 2010)

John R. Savage, Marco Caggioni, Patrick T. Spicer, and Itai Cohen

SOFT MATTER, 6, 892 ( 2010)


Arthur J. Michalek, Mark R. Buckley, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Itai Cohen, James C. Iatridis

J. BIOMECH, 42, 2279-2285 (Aug 2009)

Leif Ristroph, Gordon J. Berman, Attila J. Bergou, Z. Jane Wang, and Itai Cohen

JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY, 212, 1324-1335 (Jan 2009)

Google Scholar


Keesha A. Hayes, Mark R. Buckley, Itai Cohen, and Lynden A. Archer

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 101, 218301 (Nov 2008)

Klein Berkenbusch, M., Cohen, I. & Zhang, W. W.

JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS 613, 171-203 (Oct 2008)

S.H. Lee, S.J. Gerbode, B. John, A. Wolfgang, I. Cohen, F.E. Escobedo, and C.M. Liddell

J. MATER. CHEM. 41, 4912-4916 (Sep 2008)

Mark R. Buckley, Jason P. Gleghorn, Lawrence J. Bonassar, Itai Cohen

JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS, 41, 2430-2437 (Aug 2008)

Gerbode SJ, Lee SH, Liddell CM, Cohen I

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101: 058302 (Aug 2008)


Cohen I, Davidovitch B, Schofield A, Brenner M, and Weitz DA

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 97, ART. NO. 215502 (Nov 2006)

Schall P, Cohen I, Weitz DA and Spaepen F

NATURE 440: 319-323 (Mar 2006)


Schall P, Cohen I, Weitz DA and Spaepen F

SCIENCE 305, 1944-1948 (Sep 2004)

Cohen I, Mason TG, Weitz DA

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 93: 046001 (Jul 2004)


Doshi P, Cohen I, Zhang WW, Siegel M, Howell P, Basaran OA, Nagel SR

SCIENCE 302, 1185-1188 (Nov 2003)


Cohen I, Nagel SR

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 88, ART. NO. 074501 (Feb 2002)


Cohen I, Li H, Hougland JL, Mrksich M, Nagel SR

SCIENCE 292, 265-267 (Apr 2001)


Cohen I, Brenner MP, Eggers J, Nagel SR

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 83, 1147-1150 (Aug 1999)


Kivelson D, Pereda JC, Luu K, Lee M, Sakai H, Ha A, Cohen I, Tarjus G



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JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 100 , 8518-8526 (May 1996)

Ha A, Cohen I, Zhao XL, Lee M, Kivelson D