Origami Mechanical Metamaterials
In addition to making beautiful art, folding 2D materials can be used to tune mechanical properties and create novel three-dimensional structures. Because the mathematical description of origami is scale-free, folding principles can be applied to materials over a vast range of spatial scales.
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Discontinuous Metric Programming in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers
Programming interactions in magnetic handshake materials
Multivalued Inverse Design: Multiple Surface Geometries from One Flat Sheet
Bidirectional Self-Folding with Atomic Layer Deposition Nanofilms for Microscale Origami
Magnetic handshake materials as a scale-invariant platform for programmed self-assembly
Capillary Origami with Atomically Thin Membranes
Cell Sized Robots with Curiosity Daily Podcast
Listen to this interview on cell-sized robots with Curiosity Daily Podcast, the first installment of their 'Microscale Monday' series.
Read about our work building microbots with nano-origami joints!
Nonlinear mechanics of thin frames