Have Demos Ready, the Puppeteers are Coming – a physicists’s point of view on a puppetry performance
Events with GIAC
Several members of the lab participate in monthly outreach events with the Greater Ithaca Activities Center. K-12 students participate in educational activities spanning various fields from polymers to chromatography to circuits.
Expanding Your Horizons
Several members of the group are involved with the Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) conference here at Cornell. This is a conference dedicated to introducing science to 7th - 9th grade girls through hands on activities and participation. The conference provides them with women scientist role models and raises awareness of opportunities in science and math based careers.
More information can be found at https://www.eyh.cornell.edu/
Dance of Scales
Dance of Scales from Redshift Productions on Vimeo.
In collaboration with Redshift productions and Maren Waldman, we created a mixed media dance presentation on motion at different length scales.
Syracuse Math Science Partnership - Teacher Professional Development
We are helping to provide workshops for Middle School Science Teachers designed to support the teaching of physical science at the middle school level. These workshops are directed by the Cornell Center for Materials Research.
Lansing Residential Center Tutoring
Weekly tutoring is provided to young women in a local juvenile detention center. For more information, check out our blog page: http://cornellreach-lsg.blogspot.com/
Sciencenter Egg Drop
Itai Cohen MCed the 2007, 2008, and 2009 events which brought together Eggcellent Scientists and Eggineers to center city Ithaca.
New York Complex Matter Workshop
At these workshops we bring together talks from researchers in the New York area as well as an additional keynote speaker. The rest of the time will be taken up by short (2 min.) presentations. These presentations give the audience a flavor for the research topic and techniques used to address the research problem discussed. The overall goal is to give the audience an overview of the type of research techniques being used and problems being studied in the New York area.